It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will not be returning to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton this Fall.
This has been my practice for the past sixteen years and the months from November to May each of those years have been among the happiest of my life. I have been enriched by your kindness to me, your desire to continually grow and develop your faith, and the
dedication you have generated in me for my priestly ministry.
My gratitude knows no bounds for our pastor, Father Lucero, for Father Lombardo and Monsignor Millane and the parochial vicars. It has been a wonderful experience of priestly fraternity! The deacons, the parish staff and the maintenance staff have been a joy to work with. All of the leaders and volunteers of the parish programs have been appreciated for their hard work and dedication to SEAS. I am especially grateful to the teachers, staff and students of SEAS school and the Religious Education programs. My life has been very enriched by their enthusiasm, joy and love of the Lord. My own ministry is enhanced by the example of all of you.
I can hear the sighs of relief at the thought of “no more questions during the homily” but do no feel liberated! Those chilly months of January and February in Cleveland just may have me lugging my golf clubs back to Tucson!
You will always have a place in my prayers and in my heart as I hope I have yours,
Father Al Laubenthal
P.S. I look forward to greeting you after the 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses on Sunday, May 23rd.
Thank you Fr. Al and God's Blessings,
Your SEAS Family